Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth Announces New Leadership

Bipartisan caucus remains committed to protecting the rights and improving the welfare of 400,000 children in foster care and 20,000 young adults aging out WASHINGTON, DC — One of the largest bipartisan caucuses in Congress will be led by a new group of co-chairs from both sides of the aisle who are committed to confronting […]
NFYI Statement Regarding Leaked LA City Council Recording

LOS ANGELES — Today the National Foster Youth Institute joins our fellow community organizers, fighters for equity and social justice, and activists across Los Angeles in condemning the language in the recording released over the weekend. We also join the calls for Nury Martinez, Gil Cedillo, and Kevin de León to resign from the LA […]
NFYI Contributes to National Youth Justice Action Month

Team — I wanted to make sure you saw the proclamation I’m forwarding below that was issued by President Joe Biden for National Youth Justice Action Month. In addition to covering details about what the Administration is doing to address issues within the juvenile justice system, this year’s proclamation includes language and ideas developed by […]
2023 Congressional Foster Youth Shadow Day

Since 2012, NFYI and the Congressional Caucus on Foster Youth have co-hosted the annual Congressional Foster Youth Shadow Day experience, a multi-day conference that brings current and former foster youth from around the country to Washington, DC to share their first-hand experiences in the child welfare system with Congress, and learn how federal legislation and […]
What the End of Roe v. Wade Would Mean for Foster Youth

MEDIA ADVISORY May 4, 2022 Ending safe and legal abortion would have a drastic ripple effect through the child welfare system, impacting foster youth for generations, says National Foster Youth Institute LOS ANGELES (MAY 4, 2022) On Monday night, the leaked draft opinion of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health sent shockwaves through the country with its […]
NFYI Response to SCOTUS Decision in Fulton vs. City of Philadelphia

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the city of Philadelphia could not end a contract with Catholic Social Services after the agency refused to work with same-sex couples that wanted to become foster parents. Rebecca Louve Yao, executive director of the National Foster Youth Institute, issued the following statement in response: “We are deeply […]
Rep. Bass Statement on Passage of Child Welfare Package | Congresswoman Karen Bass

June 21, 2017 | Press Release WASHINGTON— Today, the 115th Congress passed their first child welfare package through the House of Representatives. The package, which includes five separate bills, aims at improving critical components of care within the child welfare system, particularly aimed at increasing the age of eligibility for education and vocational services for […]
The Faces of Young Constituents

Rep. Karen Bass brings foster children to Washington SARAH D. WIRE IRFAN KHAN Los Angeles Times REP. KAREN BASS (D-Los Angeles), started the Congressional Foster Youth Shadow Program five years ago, during her first term. BASS talks about life in the foster care system with her shadows in the Capitol, Thessalonia Logan, 23, and Martin […]