TheronAtgbe Ogedengbe

TheronAtgbe Ogedengbe who goes by “Theron” is originally from the Bay Area. He’s mostly lived his life in the great state of Oklahoma. TheronAtgbe is one of the middle children of six boys. Due to a series of unfortunate events, he lived the majority of his childhood in between foster and group homes. This experience inspired him to begin to help and advocate for youth whose stories mirrored his own. His lived experience inspired and motivated him to obtain his Master of Social Work (MSW) from the University of Oklahoma. Currently, he works as a therapist with at-risk youth and as a freelance writer. He describes himself as vivacious, intelligent and fun-loving. His hobbies include gaming, weightlifting, kickboxing, reading comic books (ex. Wonder Woman) and singing the entire discography of the band Paramore.

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