Mariah Craven

Role: Deputy Director

Background: Mariah Craven has re-joined the NFYI team as Interim Deputy Director. She first worked with NFYI as the 2019 Shadow Day Manager before transitioning to managing the organization’s communications.

Mariah has held leadership roles with a variety of political campaigns and nonprofit organizations and has worked with Mayor Karen Bass, VP Kamala Harris, and Sen. Alex Padilla, among others. As the executive director of Sea Change Leadership PAC, she designed its summer youth voter outreach program and is an award-winning youth mentor.

Before working with campaigns and communities, Mariah covered those very same issues as a TV news journalist and documentary filmmaker. She has a BA in English from Boston University and an MA in Journalism from New York University. Mariah lives in Austin, TX with her husband, two children, and rescue dog.

Why you like working at NFYI: The people! The young leaders, staff, board, legislators, and donors all play critical roles in lifting up foster youth voices — and their passion for what they do is inspiring.

Passions/Hobbies/Aspirations: Mariah gets excited about writing, cycling, boxing, and binging TV.

Fun personal fact: Mariah developed a TV show about the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee — a group of young adults who were integral to the Civil Rights Movement and organized to hold America to its promise. She’s thrilled to support NFYI in training the next generation of grassroots leaders.

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