Dear Friends,

Now that Congress is back in session, we have another opportunity to pass the Family First Act before the end of the year. It has already unanimously passed the House of Representatives. The Senate now has an opportunity to continue the bipartisan support it has historically shown around prioritizing strong families and keeping children safe. This is our chance to take a creative, forward-thinking approach to how we use federal funding to advance child safety, promote strong families, and ensure that children are getting a sturdy foundation. By re-ordering the priorities – and focusing on preventing problems or addressing them early, rather than waiting until later on, when issues are more complex and expensive to fix – we can make a real difference. The child welfare system is one way our nation lives up to its shared responsibility to keep America’s children safe. If Congress finishes what it started by passing the Family First Act, fewer children will experience maltreatment and our funds will do the important work of promoting wellbeing for children, families, and communities.

Please let your Senator and Congressmember know how important this issue is to you.

In hopeful solidarity,
