(June 18, 2018/Los Angeles, CA): The Board of Directors of The National Foster YouthInstitute (NFYI), an organization dedicated to transforming the child welfare system so that it strengthens support for children and families and to substantially improving outcomes for foster youth, announced today that the organization is entering a period of restructuring to ensure future growth. Last month, NFYI completed its sixth and most successful Shadow Day on Capitol Hill, with 122 foster youth partnered with 98 members of Congress.
During this period of restructuring, NFYI’s Los Angeles office will remain open, but will be
downsized; ongoing efforts during this period will be concentrated in Washington, DC and on
the development of NFYI chapters in several regions across the country. The organization will
also continue to be deeply involved in state and local issues in California.
“Over the last six years, NFYI has played an important role in empowering young leaders at
local and national levels and educating members of Congress and the public, while working to
amplify the voices of those who have been involved in the foster care system,” said Conway
Collis, Chair of the NFYI Board of Directors. He added: “As the Board of Directors reorganizes,
and continues to define and expand NFYI’s work, there will be no interruption to engagement
with local and national issues, stakeholders, funders and youth leaders. We are grateful to the
funders who continue to power our growth, and we are especially thankful for the several
hundred former foster youth who have become engaged with NFYI nationwide.”
“NFYI and our many partners in advocacy are committed to creating a diverse and representative
national movement to support foster youth and strengthen support for children and families. Our
mission remains the same, and we look forward to building on our strengths and expanding
NFYI until the child welfare system holistically and effectively serves children and families in
crisis,” said Yolanda Parker, NFYI Board Member and former technology executive.