Foster Care Arizona Daily Star investigation: Fixing our foster care crisis

After peaking with nearly 19,000 children in foster care in 2016, Arizona set out to keep more families together and pull fewer kids from their homes.Some changes are taking hold, and the number of kids in out-of-home care is trending downward. But the state still hasn’t tackled the bigger question: How can we solve the […]

Richard Wexler: SB 1473 is a detour from real child welfare reform and would remove the kinship care preference in Arizona law. Study after study has shown children do better when placed with relatives. 

Remember “crack babies”? Back in the 1980s, they were the infants supposedly doomed to a life of “certain suffering, of probable deviance, of permanent inferiority.” The predictions were accompanied by graphic depictions of infants going through withdrawal, and condemnation of their mothers for “choosing” addiction over their children.None of the dire predictions came true. And […]

Child Welfare seeks foster parents, volunteers in walk-and-talk event 

Child Welfare staff at the local Oregon Department of Human Services offices are heading door-to-door for more help with their continued programs.Their newest efforts, which follows last year’s “100 beds in 100 days” event, are aimed to get out and find volunteers in areas that need more foster parents. This year’s Foster Care Walk and […]