California Delegate

Uyennhi Huynh

Uyennhi Huynh is from Southern California and is passionate about improving healthcare policies and services for current and former foster youth. She dedicates her time to pursuing a Bachelor’s in Biology, preparing underrepresented students to pursue higher education in STEM, and volunteering at the 24-hour foster youth emergency shelter care facility where she resided.

 Believing that all basic necessities must be fulfilled for foster youth to explore the wide spectrum of their academic passions, Uyennhi Huynh channels her passion into action through NFYI, focusing on initiating more state and federal collaboration to create more common ground on the qualifications of healthcare for foster youth in varying circumstances.

 Beyond their advocacy work, Uyennhi Huynh enjoys hiking, exploring new food places, and reading. Through the Congressional Leadership Academy, she hopes to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the legislative process and create an effective voice in the advocacy world, applying them to being a stronger advocate and becoming a healthcare provider with a more holistic understanding of how to help foster youth.


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